Loan against mutual funds

A loan against mutual funds, also known as a mutual fund loan or a loan against securities (LAS), is a financial arrangement where an investor pledges their mutual fund units as collateral to obtain a loan from a financial institution, such as a bank or non-banking financial company (NBFC). This type of loan allows investors to access funds without redeeming their mutual fund investments, potentially avoiding tax consequences and retaining the potential for future capital gains.

Here's how a loan against mutual funds generally works:

  1. Eligibility: Not all mutual funds are eligible for loans, and eligibility criteria may vary among financial institutions. Typically, investors can use equity mutual funds, debt mutual funds, or hybrid funds with a good track record for obtaining a loan.

  2. Loan Amount: The loan amount is determined based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the mutual fund units being pledged as collateral. Generally, investors can get a loan amount up to a certain percentage (e.g., 50-70%) of the NAV.

  3. Interest Rate: The lender charges an interest rate on the loan, which can be either fixed or variable. The interest rate is typically lower than unsecured personal loans but higher than home loans or other secured loans.

  4. Tenure: The tenure of the loan varies but is typically short-term, often ranging from a few months to a few years.

  5. Pledge of Mutual Fund Units: To obtain the loan, the investor must pledge their mutual fund units in favor of the lender. These units are held in a dematerialized form in an account known as a loan against securities (LAS) account.

  6. Repayment: The borrower is required to make regular interest payments during the loan tenure. The principal amount can often be repaid either in installments or as a lump sum at the end of the loan tenure.

  7. Risk of Liquidation: If the value of the pledged mutual fund units falls significantly or the borrower fails to make interest or principal payments, the lender may have the right to sell the pledged units to recover the outstanding loan amount. This could result in a loss for the borrower if the units are sold at a lower NAV than when they were pledged.

  8. Processing Fees: Lenders may charge processing fees for setting up the loan, and these fees can vary.

Benefits of a Loan Against Mutual Funds:

  • Quick access to funds without liquidating mutual fund investments.
  • Potential tax advantages as capital gains taxes may be deferred.
  • The option to continue to benefit from any potential appreciation in the mutual fund's NAV.
  • Relatively lower interest rates compared to unsecured personal loans.


  • Risk of loss if the value of the pledged mutual fund units declines significantly.
  • Interest costs can add up, making it an expensive form of borrowing if not managed carefully.
  • Loan eligibility and terms may vary among financial institutions.

Before taking out a loan against mutual funds, investors should carefully consider their financial situation, the cost of borrowing, and the potential risks involved. It's advisable to consult with a financial advisor and compare the terms and interest rates offered by different lenders to make an informed decision. Additionally, investors should be aware of the terms and conditions of the loan, including the lender's rights in case of default.